
November 2015 archive

Add Brotli compression support to Apache for static assets and pages

The Apache web server doesn’t yet support stream compression using Brotli, but it’s easy to add support for static pages and assets such as CSS and Javascript files that you precompress. Browser support for Brotli is coming in Firefox 44 and in Chrome, and it provides about 15% savings versus precompressing with gzip/deflate. more …

Filed under: Systems.  Tagged: , , .

Remove ugly black line from under Gnome 3 window title bar

If you found this page, you probably don’t like the black border line that Gnome 3.16 added underneath the window title bar. I just came across it when I upgraded to Fedora 23. The old title bar used to blend seamlessly into the window background, but not anymore. more …

Filed under: Code.  Tagged: , .